GiTae Kwon • Dec 23, 2022

If you’re having excruciating tooth pain, you may be experiencing a tooth infection, or may have otherwise damaged your tooth’s pulp. Fortunately, root canal therapy in Stamford can relieve your pain in a single visit. A root canal procedure is no more painful than a routine dental filling because you are given a local anesthetic. While you may feel some pressure, you won’t feel any pain. 

Your tooth will remain numb for several hours and you may experience some mild pain or tenderness in the next few days that will gradually subside. To find out more about what to expect after a root canal procedure and how you can care for your tooth, read on.


Root canals used to be synonymous with the word pain. However, old school dental techniques are no longer used, and modern dentistry has enabled us to perform this procedure painlessly. A root canal is meant to relieve your pain, not cause it.

While your mouth is numb, you won’t feel anything. However, once the anesthetic wears off, it’s normal to feel mild to moderate pain or tenderness in the first few days. If the pain is severe or does not go away, you should contact your Stamford dentist. 

Since the procedure involves making an access hole into the tooth, it may be a little tender and cause temporary tooth sensitivity. This can be relieved with over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen.


Local anesthesia can numb the mouth for 4-6 hours, so you mustn’t eat or consume any hot foods or liquids until your mouth is back to normal. When you chew or consume something hot while your mouth is numb, you can accidentally bite or burn yourself without realizing it. 

To prevent the risk of injury in an already sensitive area, it is best to wait it out and rest until your mouth is no longer numb. We recommend eating enough before your root canal procedure so you won’t get hungry too soon.


You will want to take it easy for the rest of the day and avoid strenuous activity. Intense exercise and sports can cause damage to your tooth’s temporary crown. Since your tooth may be quite sensitive or in pain in the first few days, you should be extra gentle with it and avoid chewing on this side of the mouth. 

Keeping the mouth clean is important to prevent infection. You can brush and floss your teeth like normal but be careful around the tooth that has received the root canal. Floss very gently and avoid being too forceful. When brushing your teeth, make sure you use a soft-bristle toothbrush and brush gently around the affected tooth.


Refrain from eating at all until the anesthetic has worn off. Once your mouth is no longer numb, you can consume soft foods, such as applesauce, mashed potatoes, and yogurt. It is also a good idea to refrain from consuming very hot or cold foods that can contribute to tooth sensitivity immediately after a root canal. 

Try sticking to room temperature foods and liquids at least for the first 24 hours. Do not eat hard, chewy, or sticky foods for the first few days. After a few days, once your tooth is less sensitive, and with the approval of your dentist, you can begin to reintroduce harder foods.


Finally, it’s important to return to the dental office for any follow-up appointments or to complete the procedure if you have only received a temporary crown. At a separate appointment, you will receive a permanent crown to protect your tooth from damage and reinfection. 

The dentist will also perform an exam to check that you are healing properly and there is no sign of infection. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Byungchul Park or Dr. Gitae Kwon, contact us at Clear Smile Dental Studio today.

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Exploring your options for a straighter smile in Stamford? You may be wondering if braces or Invisalign from Clear Smile Dental Studio in Stamford are right for you. Both cosmetic treatments can be used to correct problems with your smile and your bite, and Invisalign has the advantage of being more subtle, removable to brush and to eat, and better overall comfort for most patients. But which treatment is faster? If you want the fastest results, should you choose Invisalign, or are traditional metal braces a better choice? Find out now in this blog as we discuss the treatment time of Invisalign compared to braces. INVISALIGN IS USUALLY FASTER THAN BRACES IF YOU QUALIFY FOR BOTH TREATMENTS The short answer is that Invisalign tends to be faster than braces if you are a good candidate for both treatments. In most cases, Invisalign takes around 20-22 sets of aligners, which are worn for about 2 weeks each. This means that the total treatment time is around a year for most people who choose Invisalign. In contrast, braces usually require at least 12-18 months of treatment for similar cases. This is because the type of force used in Invisalign treatment moves all of the teeth at once, as a unit. Braces move all of your teeth individually. Of course, this can vary depending on your case. In some cases, Invisalign may take more or less time, and the same is true of braces. Everyone’s mouth is different. The only way to know how long each treatment will take is to consult with a Stamford dentist like Dr. Byungchul Park or Dr. Gitae Kwon at Clear Smile Dental Studio. After your appointment, Dr. Park or Dr. Kwon will be able to provide you with an estimate on how long it will take to treat your smile with Invisalign and with traditional braces, allowing you to choose the right option for your situation. … BUT BRACES ARE MORE VERSATILE AND MAY BE NEEDED FOR COMPLEX CASES Invisalign is faster than braces if you qualify for both treatments. But in some cases, you may not be a good candidate for treatment with Invisalign. If you have very severe bite problems or extremely misaligned teeth, Invisalign may not be an option for you. Due to the way it works, Invisalign has some limitations, and can’t be used for all patients. Braces, on the other hand, can be used alongside other orthodontic appliances and even oral surgery to treat any problem with your bite or smile alignment. If this is the case for you, braces are definitely a better option. Depending on the situation, it may be necessary to wear braces for up to 24-36 months, but at the end of your treatment, you will have a bright, beautiful, and healthy smile. READY TO LEARN MORE ABOUT INVISALIGN IN STAMFORD? CONTACT US TODAY! If you’re wondering whether or not you’re a good candidate for Invisalign in Stamford, the team at Clear Smile Dental Studio is here to help. Dr. Park and Dr. Chun are Invisalign experts, and are standing by to serve patients throughout the Stamford area. To schedule your orthodontic consultation, just contact us online or give us a call at (203) 883-4451. We look forward to seeing you soon, and exploring your options for a straighter, healthier, and more beautiful smile.
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